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At the Independent Press Awards Banquet

Two Literary Awards

June 24th, 2024, I attended the Indepedent Press Awards Banquet in New York City to receive my Independent Press Award and Distinguished Favorite award for my science fiction fantasy debut novel, “Birthright of Scars: Rising.” 

The event, succeeding the weekend-long BOOKCamp writer seminars, was hosted by Ted and Gabby Olczak. It was such an honor and privilege to be a part of this event.

When my husband and I arrived at the venue Monday night, the weather was slightly overcast and dangerously gusty. Once inside, we forgot all about the weather and enjoyed a photoshoot on the red carpet, followed by a relaxing cocktail hour on the terrace.  

The event hosts, Ted and Gabby, were sure to greet as many guests as they could, and put us all at ease with their hospitality.

When we entered the banquet room, we were served a three course meal as the ceremony began.  

A photo with Ted Olczak, president of Printed Word Reviews and manage of the Independent Press Award and NYC Big Book Award.

I honestly never dreamed I would one day be an award winning author. I only considered “Birthright of Scars: Rising’s” potential in the literary awards arena when a friend’s fantasy romance novel received several awards.

I believed in this book so much I’d stuck with it through two and a half years and more than twelve developmental drafts. I’d invested in professional editing and cover design because I knew I had a very special story on my hands. And I knew it was time to prove it and test in in the hall of critics. 

When I received the news that “Birthright of Scars” had placed as both a Winner and a Distinguished Favorite in two of the publishing industry’s biggest contests, I sat in shock. 

But by the time I sat at table eight in the banquet hall, I felt as if I was meant to be there in that moment before time began. I felt incredibly blessed to be in a room full of other award winning authors, sharing a moment that we would all carry with us for the rest of our lives.

I clapped with gusto as each title was announced, each name called, and each author made their way to cross the stage.

And when my name was called, I had no more nervousness about going up than if I were about to cross my own living room.

After receiving my awards on stage, we enjoyed a delicious meal and conversation with others at our table, took advantage of another photo-op outside the ballroom, and after more mingling, headed home in the late hours of the night.

It’s astounding to think a book I wanted to publish quietly and without much ado has brought me this far. It’s taken me places and caused me to meet people I’d otherwise never have met. 

But now I’m beginning to wonder, how much farther will this story take me? And, more importantly, are you coming?

Come experience a world where fury and Grace collide, where a masked renegade and his bounty hunter are forced to choose between an impossible love and the fate of an empire.

Enter the world of the Tourmaline Renegade.